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Great Valley Creating a New Age of Learning

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Fees & Payments

The Great Valley School District is pleased to accept online electronic payments for fees and meal accounts. 

Activity Fees

Great Valley School District assesses activity fees for student participation in designated extracurricular activities to offset the District’s expenses. 

At the elementary level and the Great Valley 5/6 Center:

K-6 students who participate in extracurricular activities are required to pay a fee of $40 per activity. 

At the secondary level:

Secondary students are required to pay a fee of $95 per designated activity.

Level and Family Caps:
To assist families with multiple students, the District has imposed caps on activity fees as follows:

  • Elementary and 5/6 Center - Individual student cap at $120; family cap at $300;
  • Secondary – Individual student cap at $285; family cap at $500;
  • District-wide – No family will be required to pay more than $500 per school year.
  • Parents who believe they have exceeded these financial limits should contact their child’s principal.

Please be aware of some additional details:

  • Fees will be collected by each activity sponsor/advisor, as applicable;
  • Fees may be paid by check (payable to GVSD), PaySchools Central, money order (payable to GVSD), or cash;
  • Students may not participate in the activity(ies) until the fee for the activity is paid, if applicable;
  • Fees are non‐refundable except in cases that involve roster limitations and try‐out situations;
  • Refunds will not be issued when students quit, transfer schools, sustain an injury, or are dismissed from a team/activity.

 If you have specific questions regarding activity fees, please contact your building principal or athletic director.

Online Payments

Please note that activity fees will be waived for students who qualify for our free or reduced lunch program. If your child qualifies for free or reduced lunch, please contact your child’s principal so arrangements can be made. Strict confidentiality will be maintained.  

Pay a Fee

Add to Meal Account