Change of Address and Student Withdrawal Forms
Athletic Forms
Counseling Forms
Food and Nutrition Services
Health-Related Forms
Required form for all new students as well as students in Kindergarten, first, third, and seventh grade, as proof of dental care.
This form may be used to obtain the required information from the licensed medical authority for students with special dietary needs.
Food Allergy/Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan
Informs the School Nurse of Anaphylactic Allergies and the emergency medical plan of care as prescribed by a student’s Primary Care medical provider. Medical orders for the treatment of Anaphylaxis must be submitted annually to the School Nurse.
Authorizes the school to dispense prescription and non-prescription medications.
Authorizacion de Administrat Medicamentos en la Escuela.
Physical Education Restricted Participation Form
Use this form to specify needs for adaptive physical education.
Plan de Atención de Emergencias de Alergias Alimentarias y Anafilaxia
Informa a la enfermera escolar de alergias anafilácticas y el plan de atención médica de emergencia según lo prescrito por el proveedor médico de atención primaria de un estudiante. Las órdenes médicas para el tratamiento de la anafilaxia deben presentarse anualmente a la enfermera escolar.
Required physical examination form.
Voluntary Student Accident Medical Plans (Voluntary Insurance)
Voluntary medical insurance that provides coverage while school is in session and during school sponsored and supervised activities on and off premises. Visit to complete the enrollment form. Click the form title to learn more.